Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Shelfari Launches New Virtual Bookshelf

I found a great site on the www that enables you to display your books on your blog, or web profile. I am enjoying the site and hope you will as well.



Shelfari.comBased in Seattle, Shelfari introduces readers to our global community of book lovers and encourages them to share their literary inclinations and passions with peers, friends, and total strangers (for now). Shelfari was the first social media site focused on books, and will continue to innovate as it brings together the world's readers. Our mission is to enhance the experience of reading by connecting readers in meaningful conversations about the published word.Shelfari’s members:
--Build virtual bookshelves to express themselves to their friends and to the world
--Discover books that are popular in their trusted circles of friends
--Influence peers by rating and discussing books online
--Discover and learn from people with similar reading tastes
--Participate in online book groups to further explore literature and share ideas
--Interact with and learn from authors

Shelfari was officially launched in October 2006 with Josh Hug and Kevin Beukelman as the co-founders., Amazon.com invested in Shelfari in February 2007 and Shelfari immediately formed a board of advisors combining a list of high profile individuals.

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