Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

International Space Development Conference (ISDC)

Space Development Conference

Friday, May 30, ISDC sessions were broadcast live on C-SPAN!

Some of these sessions include:

  • The Future of ISS
  • Election 2008 Space Panel with Miles O'Brien, CNN, Moderator with representatives of the Clinton (Lori Garver) McCain (Floyd Deschamps) and Obama (Steve Robinson) campaigns. (L-R in photo above).
  • Space Medicine
  • New Direction of Exploration and Cooperation
  • Low Cost Access to Space

The National Space Society (NSS) is an independent, grassroots organization dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization. Founded in 1974, NSS is widely acknowledged as the preeminent citizen's voice on space. NSS counts thousands of members and more than 50 chapters in the United States and around the world. The society also publishes Ad Astra magazine, an award-winning periodical chronicling the most important developments in space. For more information about NSS, visit

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Spiritual Significance of Matriarchy

The Lunar Bull
Spiritual Significance of Matriarchy
by Pierre F. Walter

The book summarizes research of Joseph Campbell on equality between male and female and the Goddess cult that preceded our dominator religions. The research clearly shows that early matriarchy was fostering peace and respect of nature.

The Lunar Bull is a study in which I show that the present historical or psychohistorical debate about the dichotomy of matriarchy-patriarchy may be of interest for historians and psychohistorians, but has little or no meaning for the truth seeker or the one who inquires into the individual and collective unconscious, or superconsciousness.

On that level, my study demonstrates, the historical transition from matriarchy to patriarchy has not taken place. In the contrary, it appears that the intrinsic symbolism of the soul level, the content of the unconscious, the level of spiritual visions is one of the matriarchal gods and cosmic energy holders, such as the mythic or lunar bull, and the serpent.

I have spoken in this study not only from my own intellectual and intuitive mind and knowledge, but cited abundantly from sources such as Carl Gustav Jung, Joseph Campbell, and researchers on shamanism and entheogens such as Ralph Metzner, as well as reports of personal experiences with matriarchal gods and goddesses manifesting through the intake of entheogens such as Ayahuasca.
As I point out largely in this study, all this is not just mythology. The impact and vibration of our soul values permeates all living and is influencing our decisions and our policies more than any reductionist Cartesian concepts, such as moralism, child protection or the present international pursuits to fight pedophilia that render us conscious of a growing narcissism that today affects not only individuals and political leaders, but whole nations.

What we can learn from studying mythology, as this study shows, is to find solutions that are viable and durable because they are integrated in the landscape of soul, and our collective unconscious, and not just green table solutions that may appeal to our rational mind.

The present wars against perversity, pedophilia, or illegal plants like psychedelics or Hemp (Cannabis), which was a healing plant for thousands of years, will not last as they are not built on soul, but on very shallow agendas and political and social corruption. The modern-day ideas are motivated in the first place not by a true concern for childhood or public welfare, but a strong concern for enriching an oligarchy of power-holders who just created a few more instruments for worldwide dominion and control.

Goddess Glory on Poly / Multiple sex partners

Goddess Glory

What Is Female Domination and Female Superiority?

What Is Female Domination and Female Superiority?
By Elise Sutton

So what is Female Domination? The entire term seems to be a contradiction to our male dominated society. Female Domination did not originate from dominant women or feminists. It was men who coined the phrase Female Domination to categorize their sexual and social desires to submit themselves to the female gender.

My curiosity in Female Domination has developed into twenty plus years of studying and practicing Female Domination. I have learned much about the subjects of Female Domination and male submissive desires. When it comes to these subjects, I feel that I am a bit of an expert based on my years of study, observation and participation. I have learned that there are reasons why men have submissive desires toward women. A person's core nature expresses itself in the sexual realm through different sexual desires. To the novice, a man that desires to be on the bottom during intercourse is normal but a man who desires to be spanked or whipped by a woman is perverted. However, I have come to understand that both of these fore mentioned desires stem from the same core desire. That desire is to be sexually dominated by a woman. It is expressed differently but it is the same deep-rooted motivation. Not only that, but this deep-rooted nature is evolving and the man that desires to be on the bottom during intercourse today may very well develop a desire to be spanked or whipped by a woman tomorrow.

Once I learned about the natures of both men and women and once I learned about the natural dominance and supremacy of women over men, it became the key to unlocking and understanding all submissive desires within men. It matters not how these desires are expressed through different fantasies. The root and the core of these are all the same. Namely, the desire of the male gender is to be dominated and ruled by the female gender. Therefore, no expression of this submissive nature surprises me or shocks me. I have heard it all from my male clients and I have seen it all through my own participation in the Female Domination lifestyle.

Men desire corporal punishment, forced feminization, humiliation, strap-on play (being the receiver of a woman's rubber phallus), water sports (such as forced enemas or golden showers), and other D&S (Domination and Submission) activities. Men want to worship the female by tending to her physical and sexual needs (body worship) and men want to be made into a domesticated servant to their wives. But the common thread to all these sexual and submissive desires is the longing for loving female authority. To me, that is the true definition of Female Domination. Female Domination is Loving Female Authority. That is what most men want and need. All these specific fetishes or desires are the outward expressions of a man's need for loving female authority.

Terms like Female Domination, Female Supremacy, and Female Superiority were all coined by men, as they tried to explain their desires toward the female gender. So women are wise to capitalize by using those same terms (thus the reason for the title of my web site).

Words are merely verbal pictures. The right signal sent to the male mind will conjure up the programming that has gone into his subconscious since he was a child. Men create the majority of FemDom art, pictures and images to express how powerful women are in their eyes and how weak they feel in a woman's presence. These images represent what men are feeling inside. The poet and the song writer use words and the artist uses pictures to express their inner feelings. So when a woman becomes that image by donning a fetish outfit or saying a term or using her voice in a certain manner, she touches the male submissive nature and triggers his feelings and desires, thus he becomes weak and helpless. Then the woman can interact with the man with all barriers and defense mechanisms down. Now she is free to interact with the man in a more meaningful way. Now true intimacy and bonding can take place between the woman and the man because she now can see herself as he does. She now sees that in his eyes, she is indeed a Goddess.

So I say to the ladies, please do not get offended by FemDom artwork, videos, or literature, no matter how graphic in nature some of these may be. Instead, look more closely at what is being expressed by the male gender. What are men trying to convey when they produce media that shows men collared and bound at the feet of a woman? Ask yourself, why are sites like The Other World Kingdom so popular with men? What do these pictures say about the male submissive nature?

If a woman will look closer, get over her prudish and self-righteous ways and examine the message more than the content, then she will gain an incredible insight into the male psyche. What is the underlying message to all of these expressions, regardless of the content? Is it not simply the male gender recognizing his need to submit to the female gender? Is it not the inner male child, crying out to be disciplined and trained by the female gender? Is it not the true nature of man breaking forth in his attempt to surrender himself to the female gender?

The thing women must keep in mind about Female Domination is that men need it. It is almost always the man who will introduce the Female Domination lifestyle to the woman. A courageous man with submissive desires introduces Female Domination to his female partner. Why do men do this? It's because men desire and need to be in submission to women. No matter how hard society or religion tries to tell men differently, something deep inside of them yearns to surrender to a powerful woman. These desires grow stronger with age and men will spend countless hours dreaming and fantasizing about Female Domination. They will pursue these desires and struggle with these desires trying to come to terms with them but sadly they will not come to terms with them until they truly have a relationship with a woman that can explore these desires with him in a loving manner.

The other side of this dynamic is that women who embrace the dominant role and who allow their dominant nature to come out, end up absolutely loving this lifestyle. It never ceases to amaze me how many women who once were real hesitant about being dominant, end up loving it so much that they later say that they would never go back to being in submission to a man or only having traditional sex with a man. The Female Domination lifestyle is liberating to women and it is also liberating for men, as they now can fulfill that yearning within them. The Female Domination lifestyle can be a win/win relationship for both the woman and the man.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The mating of one female with more than one male while each male mates with only one female is known as polyandry (literally, "many males"). Polyandry (Greek: poly- many, andros- man) refers to a form of polygamous marriage, or other sexual union, in which one woman is married to two or more husbands at the same time.

This type of marriage is, not surprisingly, very rarely found around the Globe. It occurs among populations where there are fewer women than men. Female tendencies to find husbands out of a sack first appeared among traditional matriarchal societies. In such primitive groups there was a tradition to kill baby girls in order to reduce the occurrence of births. As a result the female population gradually decreased in comparison to the male population -- and thus the term, "It's a Man's World"?

Polygamy, on the other hand, is when a woman or man is married to more than one spouse. Polygamy is a term which is most often used when describing how a man is married to more than one woman. This description is incorrect because the concept of polygamy means a situation where either a man or woman is married to more than one spouse. The situation where the man or woman is married to more than one spouse can be sorted into different sociological categories and concepts. These include how a man can be married to more than one woman (polygyny) and how a woman can be married to more than one man (polyandry).

Polyandry in human relationships occurs or has occurred in Tibet, the Canadian Arctic, Zanskar, Nepal, Bhutan, Ladakh, the Nymba, and Sri Lanka, and is known to have been present in some pre-contact Polynesian societies, though probably only among higher caste women. It is also encountered in some regions of Mongolia, among the Mosuo people in China, and in some Sub-Saharan African and American indigenous communities. In other societies, there are people who live in de facto polyandrous arrangements that are not recognized by the law.

Sociologist Hilmi Ziya Ülken made the following statements about the prevalence of polygamy and monogamy;

"Male dominance since the evolution of primitive societies and his first class distinction being his gender distinction have meant that the single husband framework has proved its sovereignty. However in some places, distinctive economic circumstances and in other places, certain historical periods, have all brought about a framework of marrying many husbands. This is apparent in the Fratri region of Australia."

Although historically many societies witness single husband marriages, many women have married more than one man due to the geographical conditions and economic problems. For example; When there was limited land for usage in Tibet, a group of brothers all married the same woman. By marrying the same woman they were able to produce fewer children and avoid a split in their future inheritance. Consequently they were able to establish financial security to a certain degree..

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Book shelf

Angela Bassett

Flixster - Share Movies

Interracial Dating

Interracial Dating

Vanessa Blue video

Shelfari Launches New Virtual Bookshelf

I found a great site on the www that enables you to display your books on your blog, or web profile. I am enjoying the site and hope you will as well.


Shelfari.comBased in Seattle, Shelfari introduces readers to our global community of book lovers and encourages them to share their literary inclinations and passions with peers, friends, and total strangers (for now). Shelfari was the first social media site focused on books, and will continue to innovate as it brings together the world's readers. Our mission is to enhance the experience of reading by connecting readers in meaningful conversations about the published word.Shelfari’s members:
--Build virtual bookshelves to express themselves to their friends and to the world
--Discover books that are popular in their trusted circles of friends
--Influence peers by rating and discussing books online
--Discover and learn from people with similar reading tastes
--Participate in online book groups to further explore literature and share ideas
--Interact with and learn from authors

Shelfari was officially launched in October 2006 with Josh Hug and Kevin Beukelman as the co-founders., invested in Shelfari in February 2007 and Shelfari immediately formed a board of advisors combining a list of high profile individuals.

The Three Laws of Pets

First Law
A pet may not injure a Mistress or, through inaction, allow a Mistress to come to harm.

Second Law
A pet must obey orders given to it by its Mistress, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Third Law
A pet must protect its own health and existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Ten Guidelines for submissives

Be patient! A potential top will let you know if she or he is interested in you or not. Keep in mind that your purpose as a submissive is to serve and to satisfy someone who will take into consideration the realization of your fantasies. Don't expect your top to be able to turn on like a light switch. The timing must be right for both of you.

Be humble. You may be God's or Goddess' gift to the world and the most sought after prize in town, but no one needs to hear it or wants to hear it. You will have ample opportunity to show how good you are. No matter what you claim, the "real you" will show through in a scene. Don't set yourself up for failure by developing expectations that you know you and your top can never reach.

Be open. You can learn something about SM and about yourself from everyone into the scene, no matter how experienced or inexperienced they are, or how dominant or submissive they are. SM is a very personal art, and an "I already know it all" attitude will make you miss valuable SM lessons and experiences, and ignore potentially valuable SM friends.

Communicate! Verbalization is necessary, but at the appropriate time and in the appropriate way. Your top needs to know basic information about you, such as experiences, fantasies, health concerns, and turn-offs. But - unless it's an emergency - wait until your top asks. Don't expect your dominant to be a mind-reader who instinctively knows your needs, wants, and limits. Your cooperation will enhance the scene for both of you.

Be honest. Don't be afraid to share your needs and fantasies. Your dominant expects it. Honesty about your wants, health concerns, and turn-offs is essential to a good scene. Lying or being less than candid can only lead to problems, as the top will base the scene on inaccurate information. Besides causing problems, it can be dangerous.

Be vulnerable. Your scene is a two-way street. It is not just the physical realization of your prior fantasies. If you want to limit your experience to certain physical and psychological stimulation, then contract with your top ahead of time. But don't always expect your top to be a puppet in a fantasy play you've written in your head. It's far better to let your top surprise you, to extend your limits, to take you to places you're never been before. When you trust your top completely, let her or him know it, and let him or her guide you into new fantasies.

Be realistic. Your dominant is human, and even the most experienced tops have moments of awkwardness and indecision. Don't call attention to what you perceive as a lapse. Know the difference between reality and the fantasy world you see in books and magazines. Few tops are rich enough to afford a large dungeon with a lavish layout of equipment. Your top's equipment is expensive - respect it and don't abuse it.

Be really submissive! This is the whole point. Let your dominant take you over completely. Don't coach or second guess or be critical of your top. Exchange information on your special needs before the scene starts, but once it starts be quiet! If you insist on running a scene to your own specifications, then you should try being a top. You have agreed to limitations of your own power. Stay within those limitations. Respect and obey your top and expect punishment if you don't. Accept it gracefully and cheerfully. Your top has many things to be concerned with, including your safety and what turns you on. Be loyal and dependable and enjoy your role.

Be healthy! SM, like any strenuous activity, requires that its participants - both active and passive - be in top physical and emotional health. The amount you sleep, your eating habits, your alcohol and drug intake, and everyday stress affect your response and endurance during a scene. Your dominant needs to know when your physical or emotional energy is low. No matter how tempting a scene sounds, an "I want it all now" attitude when you aren't able to give your all will leave both of you feeling let down. You serve your dominant and yourself best by staying healthy.

Have fun! After all, sex is all about having a good time. You have earned and you are entitled to the unique, intense pleasure which comes from responsible, creative SM play.


Allow me the strength to answer questions i cannot fathom
Allow me the spirit to know Her needs
Allow me the kindness to choke back retorts
Allow me the serinity to serve Her in peace
Allow me the love to show Her myself
Allow me the tenderness to comfort Her
Allow me the light to show us the way
Allow me the wisdom to be an asset to Her
Let me be able to show Her each day my love by my service to Her
Let me open myself up to completely belong to Her
Let my eyes show Her each day my love
Let my eyes show Her the same respect, rather i sit at Her side, or kneel at Her feet
Let me accept my punishment with the grace of a woman
Let me learn to please Her beyond myself
Grant me the power to give myself to Her completely
Give me the strength to please us both
Permit me to love myself in loveing Her
Allow me the peace of serving Her
For it is my greatest wish, my highest power to make Her life as complete as She makes mine

A kajirus serves kalana to his Mistress

This is a sample serve by a kajirus to his Mistress. It contains all the key elements of a Gorean serve and shows the boys' devotion to his Mistress. It is an excellent example for both kajirus and kajirae. Each serve should be typed out fully and from your heart. Include within the serve a description of yourself. Remember that humans are visual creatures, paint a picture of yourself in all that you do.

thorn{R} kneels at the door and places his head to the floor and his hands out in front of him.. his palms pressed to the floor as he whispers "may this boy enter?"
Rosaleen: enter boy...
thorn{R} Thank you Mistress Rosaleen.. and greetings
Rosaleen smiles as her kajirus enters the hall
thorn{R} moves over to the serving mats and kneels down with his knee spread wide and his hands palms up on them.. His back is straight and his shoulders are pulled back.. He lowers his eyes as his chin is high showing off his collar
Rosaleen smiles as she looks the boy over...licking her lips softly...and nods
thorn{R} Mistress may this boy be of service to you?
Rosaleen: thorn...bring me a chilled kalana...the day has been quite warm
thorn{R}: Yes Mistress Rosaleen, would you like red kalana or the white kalana this day Mistress?
Rosaleen: mmmmm...I think I shall have white today boy
thorn{R} bows to the Mistress and says "yes Mistress Rosaleen"
Rosaleen smiles and watches the boy with a keen eye
thorn{R} stands up and lets his small loin cloth fall over his groin, he turns and start to walk towards the servery. His long dark hair falling to his bare back with a few wild curls floating in his step. He crosses his hands at the small of his back as he walks and keeps his eyes lowered.
thorn{R} enter the server and looks over the high self, he spots a goblet that would be fitting for such a lovely Mistress.. He pulls down a crystal goblet with a fine etching of a sun set on the waters of an unknown lake.. He reaches up for it and his loin cloth raises a bit showing of his well shaped bottom to her. He takes a rep cloth and start to rub the goblet and remove any dust that may have collected on it, making sure it is clean enough
Rosaleen winks to the boy...her eyes drinking in his form
thorn{R} places the goblet to his chest and moves over to the cooling well.. He kneels down next to the cooling well and sets the goblet down .. he reaches into the well and tests several of the bota by placing them to his chest.. nodding he has found the best he places the strap over his shoulder and stands up taking the goblet back to his heart.
Rosaleen watches and smiles as she sees the care the boy takes in his service
thorn{R} looks to the Mistress as he approaches her and then lowers his eyes as he gets near to her. He lowers to his knees gracefully and spreads them apart for her viewing pleasure as the loin cloth raises up. He sets the goblet between his legs and takes the bota from his shoulder
Rosaleen smiles and enjoys what she sees
thorn{R} brings the bota to his lips and presses his teeth into the cork as he pulls it from the bota.. he then lowers the bota to the goblet and slowly fills it to just below the rim of the goblet. Raising the bota once again to his lips he places the cork back in and sets it to one side.
thorn{R} lifts the goblet up from the floor and places it to his sucked in belly. He slowly traces it up to his heart where he holds it there for 3 longs heart beats, one for submission, one for devotion, and one for the joy of serving. He then raises the goblet to his lips and kisses the rim, turning it in his hand so that the kiss now faces the Mistress he holds it out to her with outstretched arms and lowered head. he says softly :
Rosaleen leans forward and listens to the boy...
thorn{R}: Mistress Rosaleen, this humble slave brings you white kalana in hopes that you will find it cooling and refreshing on this day. this boy hopes that you find some small pleasure in his serve and honors his Mistress with this serve
Rosaleen smiles as she runs her manicured hand along the strong lines of his shoulder and arm...taking the goblet in her hand and lifts her veil to bring the goblet to her lips drinking from where the boy has kissed it...
Rosaleen: thorn the kalana is good, and your attention to details in your serve have once again honored and pleased me...
thorn{R} lowers his hand to his thighs with his palms facing to the sky.. he Leans forward and places his head between her feet with his forehead to the floor to await further instructions from her.
Rosaleen: you may kneel at my side boy
thorn{R}: thank you Mistress Rosaleen..
Rosaleen blushes
thorn{R} moves to Mistress Rosaleen's side kneeling in nadu with his head held high to show off her collar so all that can see.. he moves close to her but does not touch her in any way ..
Rosaleen reaches out and runs her fingers through his long hair...sipping her kalana and looking about the room


Namasté is a common spoken greeting or salutation in the Indian subcontinent. Namaskar is considered a slightly more formal version than Namaste but both express deep respect. It is commonly used in India and Nepal by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists, and many continue to use this outside the Indian subcontinent. In Indian and Nepali culture, the word is spoken at the beginning of written or verbal communication. However, the same hands folded gesture is made wordlessly upon departure. In yoga, namaste is said to mean " I am your humble servant" which you say to your instructor.
Taken literally, it means "I bow to you". The word is derived from Sanskrit (namas): to bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, and (te): "to you".
When spoken to another person, it is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointed upwards, in front of the chest. The gesture can also be performed wordlessly and carry the same meaning.


Abrasion Using an abrasive material safely on the skin for the purposes of stimulation.

Animal Training Role-playing by playing the part of an animal. Typically done by the submissive. Examples of animal play are pony training, puppy training or kitten training.

Arse (Ass) Play Sexual play that involves the ass.

B & D Stands for Bondage and Discipline.

Bastinado The act of beating of the feet as a form of punishment.

BDSM A popular acronym that stands for Bondage, Discipline, Domination and Submission, Sadism and Masochism.

Bear A bear is a man who typically will have physical qualities including a lot of body hair, a beard and a larger masculine body frame.

Belting The act of using a belt during discipline.

Bondage Restricting a submissive to be physically helpless and mostly immobilized.

Boy The term Boy stands for the submissive in BDSM. A female can also play the role of the Boy.

Branding Using hot objects (usually metal) to burn an imprint into the skin.

Breath Play (Asphyxiaphilia) Using asphyxiation (the act of cutting off the oxygen flow to the head) as a way to experience a euphoric high during sex.

CBT (Cock and Ball Torture or Training) CBT stands for either Cock and Ball Training or Cock and Ball Torture.

Cub A Cub is a submissive male who likes bears.

D & S Stands for Dominance and Submission or Domination and Submission. D & S makes up part of BDSM.

Daddy Describes the dominant or mentoring role in a parental role play.

Dominant A person who plays a dominating role or dominates someone.

Domination The act of a submissive being controlled by a dominant.
Electrical Play Playing with electricity for sensual stimulation.

Endorphins Endorphins are chemicals released in the brain in response to pain, stress or pleasure.

Fetish A person with a fetish has a compulsive need to use the object to obtain sexual gratification and cannot achieve this without it.

Fisting Fisting is inserting one or more hands into the anus or vagina.

Flag Depending on color and placement, the flag denotes your desire.

Flagellation The act of using a whip, cane, paddle, flogger or similar device to strike the body.

Free Play Free form sadomasochism where there is no Dominant.

Genitorture Genitorture is the act of torturing the genitals through the application of pain.

Golden Shower A golden shower is using urine in play.

Hanky Codes Hanky codes are a way of showing your sexual kink or interest and also denoting whether you are a Dominant or Submissive.

Leatherman A common reference for the gay or lesbian community.

Limit The limit is the farthest point or line that someone draws for how intense the pain is going to be for BDSM play.

Masochism The act of getting psychological or physical pleasure out of receiving pain.

Munch A meeting of people in a scene who get together to socialize and discuss the lifestyle. Munches are often done over a meal.

Pansexual A Pansexual is sexually accepting of any gender or sexual orientation.

Real Time Real Time means it is happening now, or that this is not pretend.

Sadism The act of getting pleasure out of inflicting pain.

Safe Word A word, signal or gesture that is decided on in advance between participants in a BDSM scene (Dom and Sub, Top and Bottom).

Scat The act of playing with feces or stool.

Scene A scene is a single act of BDSM - like a scene in a movie. Scene can also refer to the whole BDSM community.
Sensual Pain Sensual pain is play that involves intense sensations.

Slave A submissive in a long term relationship with a Dominant.

Submission The act of submitting to a dominant in any way that is mutually agreed upon.

Submissive The person who gives control over to the Dominant.

Switch A Switch is someone who participates in BDSM activity as both a Top and Bottom or Dominant and Submissive.

Urethra Play Urethra play is playing with the urethra.

Vanilla In the BDSM context, vanilla means non-alternative sexuality.

Water Sports Water Sports is any form of play using urine or enemas.

AGE PLAY Role-playing the persona of someone substantially younger (or sometimes older) than your actual age.

BONDAGE Physical materials applied to a submissive or slave to restrain their ability to move and/or to otherwise restrict them. Also, the act of placing the submissive or slave in such materials.

BOTTOM A slang term for a submissive and/or masochist. Many people use the word "bottom" to mean specifically someone who enjoys being given various sensations, as opposed to a "submissive", who enjoys being controlled.

BOTTOM SPACE The psychological "head space" or attitude of being submissive.

BOY A submissive (often, but not always, male) who relates to their dominant in a child-to parent mode. More common among gay men and lesbians.

BRAT A submissive who enjoys rebelling in a childlike way against their dominant. Brats are fairly common in the spanking scene.

CONSENSUAL An activity done with the consent of adults competent to give that consent. One of the central features of SM play..

COUNTING GAMES Rituals engaged in during whipping, flogging, spanking , or during other forms of flagellation, in which the submissive (or slave) is required to keep count f the number of strokes delivered, often thanking the Master after each one and asking for more. Example: "Thats five, Sir. Thank you Sir, Sir, please may I have another, Sir?"

DADDY A dominant (usally, but not always, male) who has a submissive "boy" and who relates to that submissive in a parent/child mode. More common among gay men and lesbians, but gaining currency among heterosexuals and bisexuals as well.

DISCIPLINE Training by a Master in how they wish their submissive or slave to behave. Also, the punishment and correction administered by the Master when the submissive fails to act in the proper manner.

DOMINANT One who enjoys assuming control. One who decidees what happens and when. A dominant may or may not be sadistic.

FLAGELLATION The general act of one person striking another, usually in an erotic context. Includes spanking, paddling, flogging and whipping.

FLOGGER A multi-tailed whip in which the tails are long, flat strips of leather or a similarly flexible material.

HUMILIATION Activities which cause the submissive to feel shame, embarrassment, or degradation. Varies widely from person to person. Possibly psychologically explosive..

MASTER A term for a male dominant. Often used as a term of address, such as "Master Tom". It is often considered somewhat rude to address a man by this term without being first given permission to do so.

MASTER-slave RELATIONSHIP An ongoing SM relationship in which the slave is submissive to a male dominant.

MONDAY MORNING REBOUND SYNDROME Feelings of remorse, disgust, fear, and so forth that sometimes emerge hours or days after a person willingly, and often lustily, takes part in SM play.

MUMMIFICATION Immobilizing bondage, usally done by wrapping the submissive in many coils of materials such as plastic wrap, or by placing the submissive in a body bag designed for this purpose.

NOVICE A person just beginning to learn about and explore SM. Often treated with special kindness and attention by the more experienced members of the community or by the MASTER.

SADIST As loosely defined with the SM Community, a person who specifically enjoys administering pain. A person may be dominant without being sadistic. It's also possible to be sadistic without being dominant.

SADOMASOCHISM A rather vague term referring generally to fantasies and experiences regarding the introduction of domination, submission, bondage, sadism, masochism, humiliation, and related activities into erotic play.

SAFEWORD A specific word or other signal used, by prior agreement, to indicate that things are "really" becoming too intense for the person. Usally used by the submissive or slave, but may also be used by the dominant. "Safeword" itself is sometimes used at SM parties to signal a desire for outside intervention.

SLAVE A person who has an on-going, structured relationship with a dominant or Master. One who assumes the submissive role, often in a highly developed and committed way to a particular person. Cling someone "my slave" generally indicates a relatively sophisticated, ongoing relationship between the two of you.

SUBMISSIVE One who yields control. One who obeys orders adn may permit themselves to be bound if doing so pleases their dominant or Master.xt

TOP'S DISEASE An unwarranted attitude of superiority taken by a domiant. Believing that bottoms are somehow inferior and treating them so in either obvious or subtle ways. Usually a sign of insecurity or ignorance. Dominants who suffer from Top's Disease often (surprise, surprise) complain about how hard it is to find people willing to play with them. a mirror image of this syndrome is called Bottom's Disease.

TWO SQUEEZES A "squeeze signal" between players used to non-verbally signal that, "I'm all right."

WORSHIP To adore the personage of the dominant. Often combined with performing some service to the dominant's body such as massaging, kissing, or licking their feet or boots, massaging their body, bathing them. Explicitly sexual activity, such as performing oral sex on the dominant, may or may not be a part of such play.

Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging (ESTJ)

ESTJs thrive on order and continuity. Being extraverted, their focus involves organization of people, which translates into supervision. While ENTJs enjoy organizing and mobilizing people according to their own theories and tactically based agendas, ESTJs are content to enforce "the rules," often dictated by tradition or handed down from a higher authority. ESTJs are joiners. They seek out like-minded companions in clubs, civic groups, churches and other service organizations. The need for belonging is woven into the fiber of SJs. The family likewise is a central focus for ESTJs, and attendance at such events as weddings, funerals and family reunions is obligatory. Tradition is important to the ESTJ. Holidays, birthdays and other annual celebrations are remembered and observed often religiously by this type. The ESTJ is inclined to seek out his roots, to trace the family heritage back to honored ancestors both for a sense of family respectability and for a sense of security and belonging. Service, the tangible expression of responsibility, is another key focus for ESTJs. They love to provide and to receive good service. The ESTJ merchant who provides dependable service has done much to enhance her self image. ESTJs have an acute sense for orthodoxy. Much of their evaluation of persons and activities reflects their strong sense of what is "normal" and what isn't. ESTJ humor is frequently centered around something or someone being off center or behaving abnormally. ESTJs promote the work ethic. Power, position and prestige should be worked for and earned. Laziness is rarely viewed with ambivalence nor benevolence by this type. The ESTJ is outspoken, a person of principles, which are readily expressed. The ESTJ is not afraid to stand up for what she believes is right even in the face of overwhelming odds. ESTJs are able to make the tough calls. Occupations attracting ESTJs include teaching, coaching, banking, political office, and management at all levels.

PHILOGYNY: The Adoration, Affirmation and Appreciation of Woman

Philogynism refers to a philosophy, an attitude and a lifestyle profoundly influenced by an intense, genuine veneration of women and all concerning women. Philo, refers to the Greek word for love, while gyne refers to Greek word for woman. Philogyny therefore, can be defined as the love of Woman.
Philogynism is not a political action committee; it cares not which party prevails in any particular election. The philogynist will vote for candidates that prove that they understand and are committed to improve the plight of women in this world. Philogynism is an alternative, to egalitarianism and feminism, in the honorable cause of combating the disrespect and abuse of women, in the misogynist world in which we live. Misogynism is the disgust and repression of all considered feminine.
Philogynism does not seek to compete or replace any religion, most especially Christianity. The philogynist does choose to view women as, Adam first viewed Eve, as bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, a beautiful gift from God to be adored, affirmed and appreciated by him. In Contrast, the misogynist views women as the corrupt force that caused Adam’s and other men’s downfall.
A woman’s body is divinely sculpted, every wondrous part lovingly designed and bestowed unto her, by her creator. God with his divine word fashioned her lovely face, enchanting eyes and her sweet lips. His divine word also planted the delightful garden which is her splendidly formed body. In love and a pure spirit God sculpted her lovely bosom, beautifully adorned with blossoms of love. Her divine creator designed and bestowed the very flower of her womanhood unto her.
The philogynist acknowledges a woman’s body is the beautiful home of a most precious heart and soul, so he considers no part of her body offensive or obscene. He is delighted by the splendor expressed in every aspect of her gloriously formed body and appreciates the artistry of her creator. The true beauty of a woman body is that is maintains and allows her precious heart and soul to live and add love to this world.
For the philogynist, the wondrous vision of a woman unveiled, whether in body, heart or soul represents naturalness, unpretentiousness and ingenuousness. When unveiled, she allows herself to be vulnerable, therefore demonstrates that she trusts him with intimate knowledge of her true self. She is as she should be, free from tyranny of social opinion. In the presence of a philogynist his consummate adoration, affirmation and appreciation are the only veils she needs to hide her supposed imperfections.
A woman, whether fully attired or garmentless, whether she is a Sunday school teacher or an exotic dancer, deserves complete reverence. There nothing exceptional about them who shows respect toward a fully attired Sunday school teacher, however the people who choose to bestow unto exotic dancers’ who are garmentless, their consummate reverence, are truly extraordinary. The philogynist, acknowledges if one cannot grant an exotic dancer one’s consummate reverence, one cannot truly revere any other woman including the Sunday school teacher.
The presence or style of garments in not a reliable indicator of a woman’s virtue, nor should it determine her worthiness to receive well-treatment. Garments by design, obscure rather than reveal, fabricate a fantasy, rather than express intimate knowledge of a woman’s true self. One who exhibits outrageous behavior toward a woman, on the basis of her attire, has judged her based on an untruth.
The Garments that enshroud her wondrous body do not define a woman’s virtue and respectability, but they are by a glorious treasure, her heart and soul. If one has not made the effort of learning intimate knowledge concerning a woman’s heart and soul, one is unworthy to make a judgement as to her virtue or respectability. It is wise to view a woman as virtuous and respectable regardless of her attire.
A woman is ultimately responsible, therefore possesses sovereignty regarding her own body and sexuality. The philogynist acknowledges that for a woman, the consequences of her sexual choices are much greater for her, than for him. Her Creator, therefore bestowed unto her sovereignty to choose with whom, under what circumstances, and to what extent she will share the wonders and pleasures of her beautiful body.
The philogynist receives and appreciates the glorious gift of sexual intimacy with a woman as an honor and privilege. He concedes that if sexual intimacy occurs between himself and a woman, it is because he successfully conveyed to her, that he is worthy of her. Truly, if a man has not proved himself a worthy lover of her heart and soul, he is not worthy of the honor of being the lover of her wondrous body.
A woman’s passion, sensuality and affection are to be considered cherished treasures when joyfully, freely bestowed unto a worthy companion. The philogynist considers few gifts a woman may bestow unto him, more treasured than to deem him, worthy of accompanying her, on her journey toward sexual ecstasy. Truly, a lover worthy of a woman’s passion, sensuality and affection is one who cherishes her and treats her with consummate, adoration, affirmation and appreciation.
A woman is ultimately responsible, therefore possesses authority regarding her own life and lifestyle. Her Creator, bestowed unto her, her life, her talents, her dreams to pursue, the sovereignty to choose how to utilize these divine gifts. She alone will be accountable to her Creator for the manner in which she utilized these gifts and the choices she made.
The philogynist recognizes that he is privileged to enjoy and find delight in being a part of her life as a friend or lover. While a woman may require a companion during the quest, not everyone is worthy of accompanying her on her life’s journey. Only one who has committed oneself to affirm, appreciate and champion her as she pursues her goal is worthy of such an honor and privilege.
Truly, in a man cannot trust a woman’s choices concerning her own life, he cannot acknowledge and appreciate her intelligence and character. Surely, she will make wrong choices and she will endure the consequences of these choices, but her companion’s role is to cherish and reaffirm her. Truly, if a woman is not allowed to make wrong choices, she will never gain the experience necessary to make the great choices that will bring her success and fulfillment.
A woman’s femininity deserving consummate reverence, must never be referred to in language that defames or degrades women. Our Creator, created women as beautiful, cherish-able gifts to bring love into the world. One show utter disrespect to our Creator when one insult or degrade with our words the woman who’s presence one is so privileged to have been bestowed.
The philogynist is profoundly offended when men attempt to ridicule or humiliate another by insinuating that he exhibits feminine qualities. A popular and disgusting tactic is used by misogynous men to motivate certain behavior from another call him a woman, girl or equate him to a woman’s vulva. The vile gynophobia this instills, is responsible for the rise in the abuse of women.
Every aspect of a woman’s anatomy is beautiful, cherish-able and worthy of words of veneration, not degradation. While no part of a woman’s divinely designed body is offensive or obscene, the words often used by misogynist men are crude, very offensive and conjure up vile images. The philogynist on the other hand prefers words the conjure up beautiful, sweet images, such as the flower of your womanhood or blossoms of love. He understands how important it is to make love to her heart and soul with sweet, tender words of veneration.
The woman a man is blessed to have and enjoy in his life, should be cherished and treated with adoration, affirmation and appreciation. Each day with tender, loving words of praise; a worthy companion bathes his cherished woman with adoration washing away the shame and degradation the world heaps upon her. He dresses her with his gentle words of affirmation and lets her know he appreciates that she has chosen to allow him to share her life’s journey.
The philogynist concedes that the time he has to enjoy and get to know and appreciate a woman is finite and may be fleeting. He knows that he has only so many days to spend with his cherished woman and each day may be the last they share. Today and memories of love already expressed and shared, are all a woman and her worthy companion truly posses.
If a man cannot cherish the attention and affection a woman joyfully, freely offers him, he is not worthy of the privilege of being her companion or lover. No woman’s heart has ever been truly won as the result of a battle of wills. Her heart can only be truly won if she perceives that her suitor will respect and appreciate what she freely offers him. Only a woman herself can decide who is worthy of the honor and privilege of being her companion or lover.
A woman and womanhood, being the embodiment of all that beautiful and precious about God’s glorious creation, must be affirmed and justified. She deserves to be affirmed and justified by the man she gives the honor and privilege to share her life. The philogynist must confront the depreciation that society may inflict upon her and her gender in its ignorance and bigotry so that he causes her to feel appreciated rather that depreciated.
The philogynist is prepared to champion his cherished woman from the darkness of the world, especially the darkness that may dwell even in his own soul. In a world where misogyny runs rampant, women are being used, abused and killed each day. Its no wonder many women are attracted to strong, aggressive brutes whom they feel can protect them, but who will protect her if her “protector” turns on her?
A man’s ultimate duty to a woman is that of protector and gentleman. It is not enough for a woman’s companion to be willing to fight for and maybe lose his life for his beloved sake, he must also protect her from himself. A woman deserves a companion who will be gentle man with her who does not use verbal or physical abuse to impose his will on her.